Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Where to Begin

Have you ever been through a valley? 

The depths of the unknown.  The path that God has led you through and eventually lead you out?  I have been there.  It has taken two years to almost fully recover, though we're still in the recovery phase right now. 

It's been difficult to find a starting place to write.  Things look differently since going through this valley, this is a good thing.  There are a few Scriptures that directly speak of the blessings of going through a trial.  "Consider it wholly, joyful, my brethren, whenever you are enveloped in or encounter trials of any sort or fall into various temptations.  Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience." James 1:2-3

My prayer closet.  My prayer closet is the safest place to be.  I have visited many times and sadly, I have not been in there enough these days.  The world goes away, disappears, in the quiet place where only God hears the deepest yearnings and desires of my heart and soul and poured out in His Presence.  The cries from my heart were never so deep as when I was in that valley.  Crying had an entirely new definition for me.  I understood what the wonderful King David described in soaking his pillows with tears.  I thank the Lord, for that prayer closet.  I needed to cry to someone, and no one better than He.

My marriage, my little world, was crumbling to pieces and the world outside didn't seem to exist.  It started when my husband lost his job in 2007, a great job, a job I deeply wish I appreciated more.  Oh, the lessons learned!    Shortly before, my husband was falling into a depression and the job loss exacerbated this illness.  My husband declined and very quickly transformed into another person I did not know.  He lost his personality, his happiness and actually, he almost lost his mind.  This was something I could not even admit while it was happening.  He needed serious help and I delayed seeking it as I knew we couldn't afford to go to a doctor.  I tried to diagnose him myself and see how we could figure it out with the Lord's help through prayer and seeking Godly counsel.  I discovered something called "scrupulosity". This describes very well what he was going through; a doubt in the Lord's salvation for him and then believing he might have lost his salvation somewhere. The details of this situation are many and our beautiful daughter witnessed all of this pain I was going through while grieving for my husband.  I felt that he left and would never come back again as the man I knew before, was no more.  In the mean time, our savings was being exhausted to pay for a house that my small part time income and unemployment could not maintain.

I know this valley is none compared to others' situations.  I know people are suffering all over the world.  However, going through a valley is just that, and no matter what circumstances bring you to it, it is not easy.  Looking back, I am so thankful for it.  The Lord's mighty hand never left us.  The most difficult part was not being able to hear His sweet voice in my heart.  It seemed during this time, I could hear nothing.  I couldn't even pray as usual, in a sense, I feel that I was losing my own mind.  However, I hung tight to that beautiful Scripture, "For God hath not given us a spirit of fear; but of power and love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self control."  2 Tim. 1:7 amplified 

As my dad said many times to me on the phone, "Julie, this time will pass, " it did.  I will tell you, though, it felt as if would not.  I was wondering if this was a life long change.  The Lord did bring us out!!  My husband did seek medical attention and the Lord provided a way for this to happen.  He started to heal my husband and he was able to go back to work earlier this year.  I was able to find a good part time job for a few months that enabled us to get caught up on our finances and push our loan through modification. Unfortunately, I was laid off (Medicare changes affected the company) a couple of months ago, but God's timing is perfect...

Right as that happened, my husband was offered a better position.  The pay is still not quite enough for when our mortgage is adjusted and my unemployment is exhausted, but I am waiting for the next piece of God's plan to be unfolded.  It is unknown right now, but I believe that He will reveal it and help us when we need to know.  It is amazing that with all the times the Lord has carried us through, blessings freely bestowed, and prayers answered for ourselves and many others, that I can still worry about tomorrow.  Though I am sweetly reminded, thank You sweet Lord, that we shall not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have its own worries and anxieties, Matt. 6:34.

My desire is to write about day to day experiences, Bible study, and anything the Lord puts on my heart.  These writings are devoted to the Lord entirely and I pray that He will bless every word.  May the Lord bless you and keep you well.  I pray this blesses you.  I hope in time there will be many of us sharing and uplifting each other through the Word.  


  1. Julie, I want you to know that there are people out here listening and praying for you and your family.

  2. Thank you so much for replying so quickly. God bless you!

  3. I will add you to my prayer list. God Bless You.

  4. Hi Julie,
    I just started blogging recently and I am excited that I have found another Christian blogger. Jesus is my passion! I plan to eventually share my entire testimony. I love how open you are about what is going on in your life and what God is doing for you. I am excited about following your blog and I would appreciate if you did the same for me. I am always looking for Christian feedback on my blogs. It only builds my faith and helps me to grow!
    <>< Shelly

  5. I really love your blog and the encouragement you offer here!

    Would you like to follow me as well?

